
Drive smarter credit decisions

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Optimize your personal finance by getting the most of out every card, every day.

“Our aim is to be the leading expert in credit cards and rewards optimization to solve real life problems for people.
Fig is focused on providing an unparalleled consumer experience through our credit optimization tools. We are on a mission to enable consumers to take control of their personal finances while offering suggestions that we believe will help users to get the most out of everyday purchases.

Fig will help you

Maximize Rewards

Get the most of your rewards every time you pay, in store or online. Our software will ensure you don’t leave any money on the table, by helping you manage all of your rewards in one place.

Improve Cash Flow

Optimize your personal finance by strategizing your spending, managing your utilization and due dates.

Intelligent Suggestions

Our AI powered decision engine will suggest the optimal credit card for any given purchase; online or offline.

Coming Soon!

The personal finance optimizer you have been waiting for, coming in

Why Fig, why now?

Over 1B daily credit card transactions and $1T in credit card debt in circulation – Make money moves towards your financial freedom.
+2000 credit cards with numerous attributes, and complex reward earning rules
31% of all rewards go unredeemed – that’s an exorbitant amount of money that’s left on the table
34% of the populations owns 3 or more credits cards
28% of purchases are made using credit cards


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